Home AZDIGI GuideEmail Hosting Pro Mail Hosting: Set up Catch-all Email

Pro Mail Hosting: Set up Catch-all Email

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

Catch-all Email is a feature that helps you set up an email address that is sent to an email address that does not exist on the system. For example, if an email is sent to nhanvien1@azdigi.com, but this email address does not exist on the Email Hosting service plan, the email will be sent to an address called the Catch-all Email address.

To set up Catch-all Email on Pro Mail Hosting service, you need to access the cPanel interface of the Email Hosting service package by clicking on the cPanel login link on the service management page.

azdigi mail login cpanel

Or log in directly through the information attached to the email from AZDIGI after the service is activated.

Next, click Default Address.

azdigi mail catch all 1

At the interface below, select the option “Forward to Email Address” and enter the email address to receive these messages in the box below, then click Change to save.

azdigi mail catch all 2

Thus, AZDIGI has complete instructions on how to set up the Catch-all Email feature on AZDIGI’s Pro Mail Hosting service.

Wishing you success!

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