Home WebServer PanelCyberPanel How to use CLI to administer websites on CyberPanel

How to use CLI to administer websites on CyberPanel

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on


CyberPanel is a new control panel, which is increasingly trusted by users with an intuitive and easy-to-use management interface, in addition to the developer constantly releasing updates with many new features to help users have a better experience. Don’t stop there, in addition to having an eye-catching interface, Cyber also knows how to please users when integrating Cyber Command Line (CLI) so that users have more options to manage their VPS.

In this article, AZDIGI will introduce you to some of the most common Cyber Command Line (CLI) so that you can understand and practice most simply. Specifically, please continue to follow the instructions below.

Some basic commands to administer the website on CyberPanel.

Create website

To create a new website, execute the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
cyberpanel createWebsite --package azdigi-package --owner admin --domainName azdigi.cf --email admin@azdigi.cf --php 7.3

In there:

  • Package: Select the package to set up for the website (az-package)
  • Owner: Assign user rights to the website (admin)
  • domainName: The name of the website to create (azdigi.cf)
  • Email: Website admin email (admin@azdigi.cf)
  • php: PHP version of the website

To add some options, you can add the following options like

  • –ssl
  • –dkim
  • –openBasedir

Successful website creation you will receive a message as shown below:

website cli

Delete Website

AZDIGI Tutorial
cyberpanel deleteWebsite --domainName azdigi.cf

In there:

  • domainName: Enter the name of the website to be deleted

After successfully deleting the website, you will receive a message like this:

website cli1

Create Child Domain

To create a child domain, use the command below:

AZDIGI Tutorial
cyberpanel createChild --masterDomain azdigi.cf --childDomain child.azdigi.cf --owner admin --php 7.3

In there:

  • masterDomain: Enter the main domain name
  • Child Domain
  • Owner: Assign user rights to the subdomain
  • Php: Select the PHP version

To add some options, you can add the following options like

  • –ssl
  • –dkim
  • –openBasedir

After successfully creating a child domain, you will receive a message:

website cli2

Delete Child Domain

To delete a domain name, execute the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
cyberpanel deleteChild --childDomain child.azdigi.cf

In there:

  • childDomain: Enter the child domain name to be deleted

After successfully deleting the child domain, you will receive the message:

website cli3

List Websites

There are 2 methods you can list and display websites on CyberPanel as follows:

  • JSON format
AZDIGI Tutorial
cyberpanel listWebsitesJson

When listing as JSON, the screen will show:

website cli4
  • Table Format
AZDIGI Tutorial
cyberpanel listWebsitesPretty

When listing as table, the screen will show:

website cli5

Change PHP

To change the PHP version for your website, execute the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
cyberpanel changePHP --domainName azdigi.cf --php 7.4

In there:

  • domainName: Enter the name of the website that needs to be changed PHP
  • php: Enter new PHP version

After the successful change, you will receive the message:

website cli6

Change Package

To change the Package, you execute the command below:

AZDIGI Tutorial
cyberpanel changePackage --domainName azdigi.cf --packageName azdigi-package1

In there:

  • domainName: Website name to change
  • packageName: Enter the new package name to change

After the change is successful, you will receive a message as follows:

website cli6 1


Thus, AZDIGI has shown you how to use Cyber Command Line, hope it can make it easier for you to manage your VPS even without being in the CyberPanel interface. If you find the article interesting and useful, please share it with everyone.

If you need assistance, you can contact support in the ways below:

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AZDIGI – Không chỉ là đơn vị hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực Web Hosting và Máy chủ, chúng tôi mong muốn mang lại những kiến thức bổ ích nhất và luôn cập nhật thường xuyên cho cộng đồng người đam mê thiết kế website, công nghệ,…

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