Home WebServer PanelDirectAdmin How to use SSH Key on User DirectAdmin

How to use SSH Key on User DirectAdmin

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

In this article, AZDIGI will show you how to use SSH Key on User DirectAdmin.

Step 1: Prepare SSH Key

First, you need to have SSH Key. If you haven’t, you can refer to the following article:

Step 2: Import SSH Key

After having SSH Key, access your DirectAdmin => Advanced Features => SSH Keys.


In this section, there will be 2 buttons for you to choose as follow:

  1. CREATE KEY: You can redirect generated SSH Key here.
  2. PASTE KEY: If you already have SSH Key, please select this button. Please select this line

and copy the Public Key & paste it into this frame => click Create as shown below:

image 1
Screenshot 2021 06 03 at 11.18.56

Move to the Authorized Keys Tab to check the imported Public Key.

Screenshot 2021 06 03 at 11.19.44

Step 3: Using SSH KEY

Using SSH Key with Windows and Linux is completely different, you can follow the steps below.

Using SSH Keys with PuTTY

You open PuTTY and click SSH => Auth. Next, click Browse to find the Private key file created and saved in the above step. Once you have pointed to the Private file and you perform SSH, you will receive a request to enter Passphrase, please enter Passphrase to complete the SSH step.

How to create and use SSH Key

Using SSH Key with Linux/MacOS

With Linux/MacOS to use the SSH key, you open Terminal and use the following command to SSH: The syntax will be as follows:

AZDIGI Tutorial
ssh -i đường-dẫn-private-key-của-bạn ten-user@sh1.azdigi.com -p 2210

Actual example: ssh -i /Users/quan/.ssh/quan dotrunga@sh1.azdigi.com -p 2210

  • ssh -i: syntax using key
  • /Users/quan/.ssh/quan: The path to the Key file on the computer (replace with your path)
  • dotrunga: User DirectAdmin (replace with your user)
  • sh1.azdigi.com: Replace with hostname or server IP
  • -p 2210: Server SSH Port (replace with your server SSH Port, if the default port is 22, ignore this option)


Screenshot 2021 06 03 at 11.27.53
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