Does your business have multiple websites? Are you spending too much time and money on managing, installing and certifying SSL for each individual domain? Wildcard and SANS are the best solutions for businesses to save cost and time but still ensure absolute security for users.

What is Wildcard SSL?
Like other types of SSL, Wildcard SSL helps your website avoid the risks of leaking or changing information during transmission. However, the distinct advantage of Wildcard is that in addition to being able to secure the main domain, it also helps businesses protect subdomains.
For example, the main domain of AZDIGI is and are the subdomain.
Note: Wildcard only allows you to protect unlimited subdomains in case the subdomains have to be on the same level.
Wildcard’s role is to save time and money while ensuring the security of websites.
What is SANs SSL?
SANs also known as UCC, is a multi-domain certificates with the same encryption capabilities as SSLs, but the difference of SANS is that a digital security certificate allows multiple hostnames to be protected by a single server. single certificate.
The advantage of SANs is to bring flexibility to users, ease in installing and managing SSL digital certificates.
Compared to Wildcard, Sans SSL is more secure, meets exactly the security requirements for the server, and helps reduce the cost of using individual SSL for each domain.
In short, SANs and Wildcard are solutions for businesses with many websites or subdomains but do not want to spend too much time on installation, management or renewal. Besides, it also helps save costs but still ensures the website’s security.