Nội dung
Currently, AZDIGI has the following Nameserver pairs corresponding to the services.
Nameserver of AZDIGI DNS
If you register a domain name at AZDIGI (not included with Hosting), your default Nameserver will be:
- ns1.azdigi.com
- ns2.azdigi.com
Note that this is not a Nameserver system for hosting, so when you point the domain name to this nameserver pair, the domain name will not work until DNS records are added. If you need a domain name that points to your Hosting, you can use the Hosting Nameserver pair below.
See also: Using AZDIGI DNS for domain name service.
Nameserver of Hosting at AZDIGI
Turbo Cloud, AZ PRO and Business Hosting/Turbo Business Hosting
Hosting services, including Turbo Cloud, AZ PRO and Business Hosting will use the following pair of nameservers:
- ns3.azdigi.com
- ns4.azdigi.com
Therefore, in order for the domain name to work on the host, you must point the domain name to this Nameserver pair. When using this nameserver, the records in the Zone Editor section of cPanel will be active.
SEO Hosting
SEO Hosting service using DirectAdmin will use the following pair of separate nameservers:
- ns1-seohosting.azdigi.com
- ns2-seohosting.azdigi.com
Reseller Hosting
To point the domain names to the Reseller Hosting server, you use the nameserver pair below:
- ns1-rsh.azdigi.com
- ns2-rsh.azdigi.com
In case you want to use your own nameserver according to your own domain, refer to the guide on How to install a separate nameserver for Reseller Hosting.