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How to install and use Webinoly

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

How to install and use Webinoly for newbies!

Hi guys, continuing today’s article, AZDIGI will introduce to you a script, a very good website management toolkit, with a lot of features that I want to share with you and that is Webinoly. Let’s find out with us.

install webinoly ubuntu

In this article, AZDIGI will divide it into 2 main parts: introduction & installation and usage. So let’s get started with us.

Part 1: Introduction and installation of Webinoly

I. Introduction to Webinoly

Like other scripts installed LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP), but different from scripts like (hocvps, vpssim, larvps, centmin mod…) Discover it now.

Outstanding Features

  • Free SSL with Let’s Encrypt, auto-renew SSL.
  • HTTP/2 . Support
  • Supports the latest PHP versions
  • Use FastCGI Cache and Redis Cache
  • Get an A at SSLlabs
  • Automatically optimize the server to make the most of resources

Easy website management

  • Easy and unique website management commands such as creating, deleting, disabling websites.
  • Supports advanced features for WordPress sites. (One-third of the Internet runs on WP)
  • Support many types of websites like HTML, PHP, Reverse-Proxy or any configuration you want in the LEMP environment.
  • Support APP like Laravel, Node, Angular, React, Vue… in NGINX setup
  • Fully Automatic SSL Certificate Installation
  • NGINX Redirect Manager, Backup, SMTP and many more.
  • Datadog integration for monitoring and analysis.
  • Log viewer in real-time.

II. Install Webinoly

Server requirements:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 or 18.04
  • CPU: 1 core
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Disk: 10GB

Step 1: SSH into the server

To install Webinoly, we first need to SSH into your VPS/server with root privileges. If you don’t know how to SSH into your VPS/Server, you can refer to the following tutorial:

Step 2: Install Webinoly on Ubuntu

It may take more than 10 minutes to install Webinoly, but in order not to suddenly shut down, you should use Screen to run it safest.

AZDIGI Tutorial
wget -qO weby qrok.es/wy && sudo bash weby 3
install and use Webinoly

It took me more than 10 minutes to install because I chose the lowest server configuration to test with this script. When finished you will receive a message below, in this message please save the root and admin information.

install and use Webinoly

Now I will netstat to see installed and active services. If you can’t type the netstat command, please install net-tools.

AZDIGI Tutorial
apt install net-tools -y

Note: If you get an error like the image below, please fix it as follows.

Screenshot 2021 01 08 at 11.52.48

You open the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file and add to the lineserver_names_hash_bucket_size 64; as shown below:

Screenshot 2021 01 08 at 11.53.34
Screenshot 2021 01 08 at 11.59.04

Below are some Webinoly important services included:

  • NGINX: Webserver is NGINX
  • PHP-FPM: PHP-FPM stands for FastCGI Process Manager is a program that interprets PHP when running web pages for web servers. PHP-FPM was formed based on the extension of CGI and is currently chosen by a large number of users
  • MariaDB: MariaDB 10.x MySQL Performance Upgrade Edition is used by default as an alternative to the official Oracle MySQL Server and is installed through the official MariaDB RPM.
  • Redis: Redis (Remote DIctionary Server) is an open-source structured data storage that can be used as a database, cache, or message broker.
  • Memcached: Memcached is a system that stores copies of objects and data that are accessed multiple times to speed up access. Its main purpose is to speed up web applications by caching database queries, content, or other computational results.
install and use Webinoly

Part 2: User Manual

Next part 2, let’s learn how to use Webinoly. Here I will guide some general commands for quick setup and accompanying descriptions on the command lines.

AZDIGI Tutorial
# Cài đặt nhanh Webinoly
wget -qO weby qrok.es/wy && sudo bash weby 3

# Tạo website WordPress với FastCGI Cache
sudo site example.com -wp -cache=on

# Cài đặt SSL Certificate (HTTPS) cho website
sudo site example.com -ssl=on

# Truy cập website https://example.com và hoàn tất thiết lập WordPress
# Webinoly sẽ bảo vệ trang đăng nhập WordPress(wp-admin / wp-login), và bạn cần tạo một người dùng để xác thực HTTP
sudo httpauth -add

# Kích hoạt cho phép user www-data upload và sửa file qua SFTP.
sudo webinoly -login-www-data=on

1. HTTP Authentication

The “HttpAuth” directive allows you to manage users who have access to pages protected by HTTP authentication, in addition to controlling the activation of this extra layer of security in site access tools such as phpMyAdmin and wp-admin or wp-login.

Syntax of execution

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo httpauth 

Included options

  • -add
  • -delete
  • -list
  • -path
  • -whitelist
  • -wp-admin

For example:

# Create the user sudo httpauth -add # Disable WP Auth sudo httpauth -wp-admin=off # Protect folder/file sudo httpauth example.com -path=/folder

1.1 Create a User

To create a user and password to access protected sections with HTTP Authentication, use this command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo httpauth -add
For example:
sudo httpauth -add=[user,password]

You can also create a user with limited permissions to access only a specific domain.

sudo httpauth example.com -add

After you have created one or more users for a specific domain, only these users are allowed to access this domain, users with global access will be disabled for this site.

1.2 Delete user

To delete a user, you use the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo httpauth -delete
#Delete user
 sudo httpauth -delete=user

#Delete user from the specified domain
 sudo httpauth example.com -delete

1.3 Lists from anything (Show a list of all Users)

To display all the users created with HTTP authentication, use the following command.

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo httpauth -list

Use option -raw

#Remove format from list
sudo httpauth -list -raw

#List users from a specific domain
sudo httpauth example.com -list

#List all protected files and directory paths.
sudo httpauth example.com -list=protected

#List all IPs in whitelist
sudo httpauth -whitelist -list

1.4 HTTP Authentication in WordPress Login

By default when you initialize WordPress thewp-admin folder to login to WordPress will be locked. This can be quite annoying for you to set up. But if you look at it in a positive way, when a website operates publicly on the internet, it will face dangers. So Webinoly set up this verification, I find it very useful and I like and believe in the security of Webinoly.

And to disable verification, you do the following:

#Enable/Disable wp-admin verification for all sites
 sudo httpauth -wp-admin = off

#Enable/disable verification for a specified site
 sudo httpauth example.com -wp-admin = off

1.5 Protect a custom folder or file

To protect a folder/file, you use the following syntax:

AZDIGI Tutorial
 sudo httpauth example.com -path=/folder

1.6 IP Whitelist

To add IPs to the white list, the safe list is not asked when you log in, do the following:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo httpauth -whitelist

Or you can add the IP directly as follows:

sudo httpauth -whitelist=

To delete the previously added IP, you use the following command:

sudo httpauth -whitelist -purge

2. Real-Time Logs

With any system, Log is an indispensable tool. With Log View, you can test control and debug. Or you can monitor websites and services in real-time.

Execution syntax:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo log  

Included options

  • -error
  • -le
  • -mail
  • –mysql
  • -only-error
  • –php
  • -purge
  • -ssh
  • -syslog
  • -wp

For example:

#Enable WP Debug mode
sudo log example.com -wp=on

#Enable access log
sudo log example.com -only-error=off

#View web log in real-time
sudo log example.com

2.1 Nginx Access Logs

By default, Access Logs Nginx will be disabled. To view it, you need to enable it.

To enable the general access log and apply it to all newly created sites, you use the following command:

sudo log -only-error=off

Activate for a specific website

sudo log example.com -only-error=off

To deactivate, you change the option with -only-error=on.

2.2 Website access log

To view the access log of a specific website, use the following command:

sudo log example.com

To view the access log of all websites, you use the following command:

sudo log

2.3 How can I view the error log

If you want to see the “warning” or “error” of the WordPress site generated by PHP during execution, use the following command to display it:

sudo log example.com -error

If you want to see the error log of all generated websites, you need to use the command below:

sudo log -error

2.4 WordPress Debug

After you have configured Debug inwp-config.php, please create a file debug.log in /wp-content/

To view in real-time from the command line the events generated in this file, use the following command:

sudo log example.com -wp

To turn on/off WordPress debugging, you run the following command:

sudo log example.com -wp=on

2.5 View application log

Webinoly supports visualization of events generated by PHP, MySQL, mail, syslog, SSH and Let’s Encrypt and to see you use the following commands.

sudo log -php
sudo log -ssh
sudo log -mail
sudo log -syslog
sudo log -le

2.6 MySQL logs

In Webinoly, MySQL logs are always enabled, and to see them, use the following command:

sudo log -mysql=error

The general log

sudo log -mysql=general
sudo log -mysql=general -enable
sudo log -mysql=general -disable

The slow query log

sudo log -mysql=slow
sudo log -mysql=slow -enable
sudo log -mysql=slow -disable

Binary log

sudo log -mysql=binary
sudo log -mysql=binary -enable
sudo log -mysql=binary -disable

3. Sites Manager

The site command allows you to perform website management operations on the server such as creating new websites, activating FastCGI Cache, adding SSL and many other features for you to safely and reliably manage and control your website.

Syntax of execution

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site  

Included options

  • -cache
  • -clone-from
  • -delete
  • -delete-all
  • -force-redirect
  • -forward
  • –html
  • -info
  • -list
  • -multisite-convert
  • –mysql
  • -on
  • -off
  • -parked
  • –php
  • -proxy
  • -redirection
  • –ssl
  • -wp

For example:

#Create PHP site
 sudo site example.com -php

#Create a WordPress site and enable the cache
 sudo site example.com -wp -cache=on

#Disable cache
 sudo site example.com -cache=off

#SSL Cert
 sudo site example.com -ssl=on

#List of websites
 sudo site -list

#Clone WordPress website
 sudo site example.com -clone-from=staging.example.com

#Page redirect
 sudo site example.com -redirection

3.1 Create a new site

To create an HTML website, you execute the following command:

sudo site example.com -html

To create a website that supports PHP, you run the following command:

sudo site example.com -php

To create a PHP website that connects to the Database, you use the following command:

sudo site example.com -mysql

The data to connect to the database will be displayed after you execute the command

#Use -mysql option without domain to create DB and User (MySQL)
sudo site -mysql

#Custom data
 sudo site example.com -mysql=custom

#Custom data
 sudo site -mysql=[host,dbname,dbuser,password]
 sudo site example.com -mysql=[host,dbname,dbuser,password,external_dbuser,external_dbpass]

3.2 WordPress

Installing WordPress on Webinoly is very easy, Webinoly will automatically install and configure it for you. You just need to set up the remaining steps for the website.

Syntax of execution

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -wp

To customize, you use the custom option. Then all operations will be suggested to you during data entry

#Install and configure WordPress with the custom option
sudo site example.com -wp=custom -cache=on
#Install WordPress with custom data
 sudo site example.com -wp=[,,,,,,,,]

#For example
sudo site example.com -wp=[true,true,localhost,example_com,example_user,password,wp_]

3.3 FastCGI Cache

Along with Nginx, FastCGI is the best optimization you can do to speed up your WordPress site. Webinoly uses FastCGI only, so you won’t be able to use plugins like W3 Total Cache, Super Cache or WP Rocket.

Turn on/off FastCGI

sudo site example.com -cache=on

You can also activate it when you install WordPress

sudo site example.com -wp -cache=on

With FastCGI cache, you should use the Nginx Helper plugin to configure the cache.

3.4 Cloning WordPress websites

This feature allows you to clone a fully built website to another website. To use it, use the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -clone-from=dev.example.com

3.5 Parked domain or alias

A parked domain or alias allows you to access 2 different domains but will display the same content. To use it, use the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -parked

For example:

sudo site example.com -parked=mainsite.com

3.6 Domain forwarding

This function is like Redirect on controls. When you access domain A, it will automatically forward to domain B. To use, you use the following syntax:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -forward=example.org

3.7 Disable website

Webinoly allows you to toggle a website, in other words, suspend a certain website. Use the following syntax to do it.

#Enable website
sudo site example.com -on

#Disable website
 sudo site example.com -off

3.8 Delete a website

To delete a web page, you use the command with the following syntax. Note: this command cannot be recovered when deleted.

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -delete

3.9 Site Info

To view website information, use the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -info
Screenshot 2020 12 26 at

3.10 List of your sites

To list websites, you use the following command.

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site -list
Screenshot 2020 12 26 at

3.11 Configuring WWW or non-WWW

By default, Webinoly will configure www and non-www support. That means you can both use www and no-www. (Note not sub.domain)

Syntax of execution

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -force-redirect=


  • www
  • root
  • off

3.12 SSL Certificates with Let’s Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt is the world’s most powerful free SSL certificate authority. With controls in general and webinoly in particular, you can still install Let’s Encrypt. To install it, you use the following syntax:

During the certificate creation process, Webinoly will ask for your email account, which will be used to sign up for a new certificate, and also help you keep track of the recurring renewal process.

Note: To install SSL, you must point the domain/subdomain to the server IP.

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -ssl=on

3.13 Disable SSL on a site

If for some reason you need to deactivate the use of SSL certificates on your website, simply execute the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -ssl=off

3.14 Certificates in parked sites (SSL for parked sites)

This option is only available when you install SSL for the parked domain.

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -ssl=on -root=mainsite.com

3.15 Wildcard Certificates

When you need one certificate to cover all subdomains (*.example.com). This is the type of certificate commonly used in WordPress Multisite installations in your subdomain configuration, to install you use the following syntax:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -ssl=on -wildcard

3.16 Renewing certificates

Although Webinoly has a fallback system for automatic renewal, you still have the option of manual renewal as follows:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site -ssl=renew

To renew all SSL certificates on the server, you use the following syntax to renew them all.

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site -ssl=force-renewal-all

To renew a specified certificate, you use the following syntax:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -ssl=force-renewal

3.17 Custom SSL Certificate

This case is only used when you have your own SSL and want to install this SSL on your website. To do this, you can do the following steps:

AZDIGI Tutorial
sudo site example.com -ssl=on -ssl-key=/path/cert.key -ssl-crt=/path/cert.crt -ssl-ocsp=/path/cert.pem


Hopefully, this article will help you successfully install and manage this script. With the next articles of Webinoly, AZDIGI will guide you to install WordPress source code and create SSL. And in this article, I would like to stop here.

Wishing you success!

If you need assistance, you can contact support in the ways below:

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Tham gia nhóm Hỗ trợ Server - Hosting & WordPress để cùng nhau hỏi đáp và hỗ trợ các vấn đề về WordPress, tối ưu máy chủ/server.

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AZDIGI – Không chỉ là đơn vị hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực Web Hosting và Máy chủ, chúng tôi mong muốn mang lại những kiến thức bổ ích nhất và luôn cập nhật thường xuyên cho cộng đồng người đam mê thiết kế website, công nghệ,…

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