Home AZDIGI GuideAffiliate Join the AZDIGI Affiliate Community

Join the AZDIGI Affiliate Community

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

When you participate in the Affiliate program at AZDIGI, you can join the AZDIGI Affiliate community on Google Group to stay updated with the latest information and promotions related to AZDIGI.

To join the Google Group, please visit https://groups.google.com/g/azdigi-affiliate and click on the “Request to join” button as shown below:

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After that, in the “Reason for joining” section, enter your affiliate email address from the system https://my.azdigi.com for verification purposes.

Once your request is approved, you will receive a notification via email. From that point forward, you will receive email notifications regarding the AZDIGI Affiliate program and you can also review the announcements on the group’s homepage.

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