Home Linux ServerLinux Fundementals How to use RPM on Linux

How to use RPM on Linux

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

How to use RPM on Linux for newbies.

I. Introduction

RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is an open-source utility used to manage packages on Red Hat systems (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora). An RPM package is a file that contains executable programs, scripts, documents, and some other necessary files. The RPM tool allows users to install, update, uninstall, query, verify and manage rpm packages on Unix/Linux operating systems.

The RPM, formerly known as the .rpm file, includes the compiled software programs and the necessary libraries for these packages and utilities that only work with packages built on the .rpm format. With packages installed from other sources, rpm will not manage.

1.1 Structure of an RPM package


For example, telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm

  • telnet: Package name
  • 0.17: Package Version
  • 65.el7_8: Package release
  • x86_64: Package architecture
  • .rpm: Package type

1.2 Modes of the RPM command

  • Install: This command is used to install any RPM packages
  • Remove: This command is used to remove, remove or uninstall any RPM packages.
  • Upgrade: This command to update an existing RPM package
  • Verify: This command is used to verify the RPM package
  • Query: This command is used to query any RPM package

1.3 Some websites where you can find and download famous RPM packages

II. Guide to using RPM on Linux

Here are some examples of using rpm packages on Linux. Note you must use root privileges to install.

1. Check RPM package

Before installing, you need to check the package under PGP to ensure its safety and origin. Using the –checksig command to check. In the example below, I check the package telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm

AZDIGI Tutorial
[root@monitor rpm]# rpm --checksig telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm
telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm: rsa sha1 (md5) pgp md5 OK

2. Install RPM package

To install an rpm package, add the -i option. I will install a package called telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -ivh telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm

In there:

  • -i : Install a package
  • -v : verbose look better
  • -h: show # sign when extracting
Guide to using RPM on Linux

3. Check the dependencies before installing the RPM package

Assuming you want to check the rpm package’s extras before installing or upgrading, use the following command to display the list of subcomponents.

For example, I will check the package telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm:

In there:

  • -q: Package query
  • -p: List the extras this package provides
  • -R: List the components on which this package depends
Guide to using RPM on Linux

4. Install the RPM package without dependencies

To install RPM packages and ignore dependencies, you use the command and add the following option –nodeps

For example:

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -ivh --nodeps telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm
Guide to using RPM on Linux

The above command forces the rpm package to be installed by ignoring dependency errors, but if those dependencies are missing, the program won’t work until you reinstall them.

5. Check the installed RPM package

To check the installed package, you use the -q command with the package name.

For example, I’m looking for a package called telnet

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -q telnet

[root@monitor rpm]#

6. List all files of installed RPM packages

To view all the files installed in the rpm package, use the rpm command and the -ql (query list) option.

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -ql telnet
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at

7. List recently installed RPM packages

To list all recently installed rpm packages, use the rpm command with the 2 options -qa --last

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -qa --last
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at 20.06.18@2x

8. List all installed RPM packages

To list all installed rpm packages and Linux systems, you use the rpm command with the -qa (query all) option.

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -qa
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at 20.08.51@2x

9. Upgrade the RPM package

If you want to upgrade an installed rpm package, you can use the rpm command with the option -U (Upgrade) and one of the main advantages of using this option is that it will not only upgrade the new version of the package but also maintains a backup of the older package so that if the newer upgrade fails to run, it can be reused.

For example:

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -Uvh telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm

10. Remove the RPM package

To uninstall or remove the rpm package, you use the rpm command and the -e option to remove it.

Example: I will remove the telnet package.

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -evv telnet
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at 20.15.42@2x

11. Query which file belongs to which RPM package on Linux

Suppose you have a list of files and you want to know which rpm package the file belongs to, you use the -qf option to check.

For example: I will check which rpm package the file /usr/bin/htpasswd belongs to with the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -qf /usr/bin/htpasswd

The result is a file belonging to the rpm package named httpd-tools-2.4.6-97.el7.centos.x86_64

Screenshot 2021 01 20 at

12. Query Installed RPM Package Information

To check the installed rpm package details, use the -qi (query infomation) option to view detailed package information.

Example: I will check the installed telnet package information.

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -qi telnet
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at 20.38.01@2x

13. Check RPM package information when installing

Suppose you have just downloaded an rpm package from the internet and want to check the package when you install it, you use the -qip (query info package) option.

For example:

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -qip telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at 20.41.04@2x

14. Query installed RPM package document

To get the list of available documents of an installed package, use the following command with the -qdf (query document file) option, it will display the pages related to the vmstat package in the example below:

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -qdf /usr/bin/vmstat
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at 20.43.33@2x 1

15. Verify RPM Package

To verify the rpm package, you use the -Vp (verify package) option.

For example, I will verify the package telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -Vp telnet-0.17-65.el7_8.x86_64.rpm

16. Verify all RPM packages

To verify all rpm packages, use the -Va (Verify all) option.

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -Va
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at 20.47.41@2x

17. Enter the RPM GPG key

To verify the RHEL/CentOS or Fedora package, you must enter the GPG key by using the following command: It will enter the CentOS 7 GPG key.

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7

18. List all RPM GPG keys

To display all GPG keys in the system, use the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
rpm -qa gpg-pubkey*
Screenshot 2021 01 20 at

19. Rebuild the corrupted RPM database

Sometimes the rpm database is corrupted, causing all rpm functions to stop and other applications on the system to. So we need to rebuild the rpm database and restore it with the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
cd /var/lib
rm __db*
rpm --rebuilddb
rpmdb_verify Packages

III. Summary

So AZDIGI has shown you to use basic RPM on Linux. Wishing you success! See more useful articles about Linux VPS at the following link:

If you need assistance, you can contact support in the ways below:

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