You can quickly create a new WordPress website with full customization options such as cache through a single command line.
Command to create default WordPress website
wo site create --wp
Some commands to make changes after default setting
wpfc: Install WordPress with Nginx fastcgi_cache--
wpredis: Install WordPress with Redis Cache--
le: Set up a website with free Let’s Encrypt SSL--
php73: Setting up a website with PHP 7.3--
user=…: Set up a website admin user--
pass=…: Set up website admin password
And to do it, you need to enter the command:
wo site update [domain .com]
To review the information of a website, you enter the command:
wo site info
The result will be as follows:
root@wordops:~# wo site info
Information about (domain):
Nginx configuration wp basic (enabled)
PHP Version 7.2
SSL disabled
access_log /var/www/
error_log /var/www/
Webroot /var/www/
DB_NAME domain_com_L2Zl0SPD DB_USER
domain DB_PASS kNu3ZPMQdMXVZ64j3qpWE4S
So you have successfully installed the default WordPress with WordOps, follow AZDIGI’s Blog to update the latest posts!