Home Linux Server Convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux

Convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

In this article, AZDIGI will help you quickly and easily convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux.

I. What is AlmaLinux OS?

AlmaLinux OS is an open-source Linux operating system for the community. It fills the void left by CentOS Linux 8, which is being discontinued at the end of 2021. AlmaLinux OS is a 1:1 binary-compatible fork of RHEL®.

AlmaLinux OS is an independent and completely free operating system. It receives one million dollars in annual sponsorship from CloudLinux Inc and support from other sponsors. Continuous development efforts are driven by community members.

II. Convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux

To convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux, we need to perform the following two steps:

Note: It is recommended to back up all data on your system before proceeding with the conversion.

Step 1: Check the CentOS version

Before proceeding with the conversion steps, we need to check the version of CentOS we are currently using. This guide is specifically for CentOS 8.

To check the version, run the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
cat /etc/centos-release

Here are my results:


Step 2: Execute the commands to convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux

The command to convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux is straightforward, simply run the following two commands:

AZDIGI Tutorial
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlmaLinux/almalinux-deploy/master/almalinux-deploy.sh
sudo bash almalinux-deploy.sh

Explanation of the two commands above:

  • Command 1: Download the script for the conversion process.
  • Command 2: Executes the downloaded script file.

The installation process is relatively fast. It took about 10 minutes for my 3-core CPU VPS. The conversion time may vary depending on your system’s network connection and system power.

Here is an image of when the conversion process is completed.

Convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux
Successfully converted CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux.

Afterward, you can check the AlmaLinux version using the following command:

AZDIGI Tutorial
cat /etc/redhat-release

Here are my results:

Convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux
AlmaLinux version in use is 8.4

So, our conversion process from CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux is completed.

Additional information for you is that if your system is running the following Control Panel software, everything will work normally and stably after the conversion:

  • DirectAdmin.
  • cPanel.
  • Plesk.

The commands you were using on CentOS 8 will also work on AlmaLinux.

III. Summary

Hopefully, this article will help you understand more about AlmaLinux and how to convert CentOS 8 to AlmaLinux as CentOS 8 is being discontinued at the end of 2021.

Wishing you success! See more useful articles about VPS at the following link:

If you need assistance, you can contact support in the ways below:

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