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Increase database import limit in phpMyAdmin

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

By default, phpMyAdmin only allows importing 2MB databases, and this causes many difficulties when your database is too large.

However, do not worry, this article will help you change that parameter.

You do SSH into the VPS and find the Loaded Configuration File

Find the php.ini file and edit

php -i | grep php.ini

Open the php.ini file and find the following and edit it.

vi /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Enter a / and the name to search for; After editing, enter :wq to save.

You need to adjust the parameters as follows

upload_max_filesize 512M
post_max_size 512M
memory_limit 512M
max_execution_time 300
max_input_time 300
php i2

Note: If you use Apache, restart httpd; if you use Nginx, restart php-fpm.

Or edit in the config file of phpMyAdmin at the path:


Recommendation: Sometimes, when you need to import files up to a few hundred MB, you should use Linux cmd for fast and safe processing.

Wishing you success!

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