Home AZDIGI GuideDomain How to register a domain at AZDIGI

How to register a domain at AZDIGI

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

Any individual or organization can register their own domain to create their own website. Before registering a domain, you can refer to the price list of domain names provided by AZDIGI at https://azdigi.com/ten-mien/.

Which domain extension should you choose?

You can use any domain extension according to your preference, as there are no specific regulations regarding the use of domain extensions (except for certain special extensions like .gov.vn, .edu.vn, .org.vn). Currently, there are several popular domain extensions:

  • .com: Commonly used for company websites or e-commerce websites.
  • .vn: Often used for company websites or online stores, to emphasize that it is a website in Vietnam. It is suitable for English brand names to differentiate companies in Vietnam, for example, prudential.vn, shopee.vn.
  • .com.vn: Typically used for company introduction websites, for example, bosch.com.vn.
  • .net: Typically used for network system websites.
  • .info, .me: Often used for personal blogs.
  • .mobi: Suitable for mobile app introduction websites.
  • .tv: Suitable for television and TV-related websites.
  • .xxx: Suitable for selling products related to sexual support, such as condoms and sexual health supplements.

How to register a domain at AZDIGI

First, you access the website https://azdigi.com/ten-mien/ or https://my.azdigi.com/cart.php?a=add&domain=register to search for the intended domain name. You can enter the domain name with the extension or just enter the name, and the system will suggest options for you.

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Then click the “Register Now” button if the domain name is available for registration.

In the next step, you will need to provide complete registration information. If you are registering this domain for a company, you must select the entity type as “Company” and enter the complete company information below. If you are using this domain for an individual, you only need to fill in the owner’s information.

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Below, you can declare the nameserver address to be used for this domain. However, you can update it later after the domain is activated and change it at any time.

If you want to register additional hosting services along with the domain, you can click on the “Add Hosting for this Domain” button and select the appropriate hosting package.

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Then, proceed to enter payment information. Enter all the necessary information if you don’t have an account with AZDIGI.

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After that, you can proceed with the payment on the website following the instructions. Once you receive a confirmation email of the payment, the system will initiate the domain setup process for you, which usually takes about 15 minutes. However, sometimes it may take longer for certain special domain extensions such as .edu.vn, .gov.vn, .name.vn.

If you encounter any difficulties or need further advice regarding domain services, please contact the Sales Department of AZDIGI using the following information:

  • Hotline: 028 888 24768
  • Email: sale@azdigi.com
  • Address: 768 Nguyen Thi Dinh, Thanh My Loi Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Working time: Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:30, Saturday to 12:00.

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