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How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

by Thạch Phạm
Published: Last Updated on

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI with simple steps. Let’s follow along.

I. Introduction

Continuing with the articles about OpenLiteSpeed, in the previous post, we performed the complete installation steps of OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI on the server. Then continue in this article, AZDIGI will guide you on how to add a website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin completely. If you have not seen the previous tutorial, you can go to the link below:

In addition, you can learn more about the WebAdmin Console interface at the link below:

Now, let’s take a look at the article to do it together with AZDIGI.

II. Implementation Guide

To add a website to the OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI, you need to perform the following steps in turn:

Step 1: Add a Virtual Host for your website in OpenLiteSpeed

To add a Virtual Host, you first need to access the OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI at the following path: and you use admin credentials to log in. If you forget this information, you can reset your password by following the instructions below:

After successfully logging in, you access Virtual Host (1) => Add (2)

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

In the next interface, you need to declare the same information as follows: (remember to replace azdigi.cf with your website name)

Virtual Host Name: azdigi.cf
Virtual Host Root: $SERVER_ROOT/azdigi.cf/
Config File: $SERVER_ROOT/conf/vhosts/$VH_NAME/azdigi.cf.conf
Follow Symbolic Link: Yes
Enable Scripts/ExtApps: Yes
Max Keep-Alive Requests: 1000
Restrained: Yes
ExtApp Set UID Mode: Server UID

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

After filling in the information in part (1), click Save (2) to save the configuration.

Next, you will see that color warning line displayed, click CLICK TO CREATE as shown below:

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

After clicking and receiving the message that has been created successfully, click Save to save the configuration again.

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

Step 2: Customize Virtual Host

After creating a Virtual Host for the website in step 1, you will see the website you just created in the Virtual Host section. Then, please click on the corresponding View section of the website to customize some components in Virtual Host.

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

A -Settings at the General tab

In the General (1) section, click Edit (2) to change the information as follows:

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

You fill in the same information in the General tab (1) and click Save (2). (remember to replace azdigi.cf with your website name)

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

Document Root: /usr/local/lsws/azdigi.cf/html
Domain Name: azdigi.cf
Enable Compression: YES

In the Index Files (1) section, click Edit (2) to change the information:

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

You fill in the same information in (1) and click Save (2).

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

Use Server Index Files: No
Index Files: index.html index.php
Auto Index: No

In the Expires Settings section (1), click Edit (2) to change the information:

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

You fill in the same information in (1) and click Save (2).

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

Enable Expires: Yes
Expires By Type: image/=A31536000, text/css=A31536000, application/x-javascript=A31536000, application/javascript=A31536000, font/=A31536000, application/x-font-ttf=A31536000

B – Set up at the Log tab

In the Virtual Host Log section (1), click Edit (2) to change the information as follows:

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

You fill in the same information in (1) and click Save (2).

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

Use Servers Log: Yes
File Name: $VH_ROOT/logs/error.log
Log Level: ERROR
Rolling Size (bytes): 10M

In Access Log (1), click on Add (2) to change information:

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

You fill in the same information in (1) and click Save (2).

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

Log Control: Own Log File
File Name: $VH_ROOT/logs/access.log
Rolling Size (bytes): 10M
Keep Days: 30
Compress Archive: Yes

C – Setup at Security

In Access Control (1), click Edit (2) to change the information as follows:

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

You fill in the same information in (1) and click Save (2).

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

Allowed List: * (Meaning all confidential)

D – Set at Rewrite

In the Rewrite Control (1) section, click Edit (2) to change the information:

site openlitespeed17

You fill in the same information in (1) and click Save (2).

How to add the website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin GUI

Enable Rewrite: Yes
Auto Load from .htaccess: Yes

In the Rewrite Rules (1) section, click Edit (2) to change the information:

site openlitespeed19

You fill in the same information in (1) and click Save (2). (remember to replace azdigi.cf with your website name)

site openlitespeed20 1

Rewrite Rules: rewriteFiler /usr/local/lsws/azdigi.cf/html/.htaccess

Step 3: Connect Vhost to 80 port

You access Listeners (1) => click on the magnifying glass as shown below (2).

site openlitespeed21

Next, in the Virtual Host Mappings section (1), click on Edit (2) to change the information:

site openlitespeed22

You fill in the same information in (1) and click Save (2). (remember to replace azdigi.cf with your website name)

site openlitespeed23

Virtual Host: azdigi.cf
Domains: azdigi.cf

After editing, click on the arrow icon as shown to restart Litespeed.

site openlitespeed24

Step 4: Create a website directory on the server

You SSH into the server as root to create the necessary folders for your website. If you do not know how to SSH, you can refer to the instructions below:

After successful SSH, run the following commands to create the necessary folder for the website:

AZDIGI Tutorial
mkdir /usr/local/lsws/azdigi.cf/
mkdir /usr/local/lsws/azdigi.cf/{html,logs}

Command annotation:

  • Command 1: Create a website folder at /usr/local/lsws/
  • Lệnh 2: Tạo Folder html & logs tại đường dẫn /usr/local/lsws/azdigi.cf/
    • html: It is the place where the website’s source code is stored
    • logs: It is a place to store logs related to the website

Step 5: Check the operation of the website

After creating the necessary folders in step 4, to check if the website you just added works or not, try creating an index.html file at the path /usr/local/lsws/azdigi.cf/html and enter the content in it. You can create files and quickly import content with the command below:

AZDIGI Tutorial
echo 'AZDIGI XIN KINH CHAO QUY KHACH' > /usr/local/lsws/azdigi.cf/html/index.html
Now go to the browser and type the website name to see the results. As shown below, the website is already up and running, now you just need to upload the source code of your website.
site openlitespeed25

III. Summary

Thus, AZDIGI has detailed how to add a website to OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin . After the setup is complete, the operation of your website will be markedly different from using other control panels.

If you find the article interesting and useful, don’t forget to share it widely. Wishing you success!

If you need assistance, you can contact support in the ways below:

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Tham gia nhóm hỗ trợ Server - Hosting

Tham gia nhóm Hỗ trợ Server - Hosting & WordPress để cùng nhau hỏi đáp và hỗ trợ các vấn đề về WordPress, tối ưu máy chủ/server.

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Bài viết cùng chuyên mục

AZDIGI – Không chỉ là đơn vị hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực Web Hosting và Máy chủ, chúng tôi mong muốn mang lại những kiến thức bổ ích nhất và luôn cập nhật thường xuyên cho cộng đồng người đam mê thiết kế website, công nghệ,…

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